I don't like ...
2004-05-22 @ 12:13 a.m.

I have to write again. I feel like I'm part of a great plan. Do you feel it? It's like a disease. A contamination of life. The fact that I'm sitting here with such a heavy heart. But I still believe, with my entire being and everything within, that I'm a part of something GREAT. I feel like I'm going fall into some sort of a wonderful whirlwind of romance or adventure or fantasy. It's a sense that the universe is something Great. God, I love that word. Can I feel? Yes, with every freaken fiber of my being, I can feel. I can feel it in my skin. In my fingertips. In my heart.


I want to shout to the entire world. I want to run over to your house right now and kiss you with everything I possess, and someone would do a shot of us and the world... distorted and confused and completely happy.

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