2004-06-15 @ 6:12 p.m.

I realized that I don't just hate bittersweet endings... I hate it when good things end period

It's horrible.

I can't help it.

The middle is always the best time...

I have the mind of an artist, but the hands of a mathematician. Isn't that problematic? I think I finally understand Salieri.

This month has been bittersweet.

I wish I had a group of friends. A good group of friends. People that love and trust each other.

I really am frivolous today.

It can't be helped.

It comes and goes with the wind.

I wonder what that feeling is...

Like my insides are shedding. It feels nice. I hate that music. It reminds me of Dallas. Dallas brings bad memories.

I've been comparing you to a lot of people lately. This man who blew-dryed my hair was very flirtatious. He laughed at me in that amused way. You're familiar with it. You used to laugh at me that way. It's pleasant.

Even now I can't get over the way things ended.

Love should never end.

What am I talking about?

I don't even know anymore.

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