2011-01-30 @ 11:05 p.m.

I'm so happy happy happy being with you.

You are the first boy who has reacted the way I've always wanted someone to to after I told you about my dad my mom my pathetic 14 year old self. You are the first boy to realize that despite everything, at the core I'm still a girl, and even if I don't say it, I just want someone to hold me and protect me. I was completely naked to you (in more than one way, ha).

Afterwards I ask you to take the 5 languages of love test, and you ask me to take the Which Something Corporate Song are you test, and you became delirious, and I don't even think you'll remember, but I pretended like I was dying, and I had a gimp leg, and you played along like you always do, and then you stuffed some paper towel up your nose, and we thought you got a nosebleed, but it was really the weird fruit pattern on your paper towels, and we laughed so so so so hard (something that's happened often lately).

That day after you let yourself go all over my face, and we giggled like little girls as you tried to wipe all traces of you away from my skin and hair and eye, we listened to that Kpop song It's Ok even though neither of us are Korean, and I wrapped my arms around you so tight and we swayed from side to side, and in that moment, I felt so close to you

Why are you so wonderful?

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