irony and truth
1.8.04 @ 5:04 p.m.

So yesterday Somthing Corporate saved me. Well, sort of.

Truth is universal.

I thirst for truth.

Irony once more, I crave for truth, I live for truth yet I cannot receive or give it. Isn't that a pity. I love questions with no question marks. To fight society. How much strength does it take. How much courage. How much suffering. To not work against society, but work for it while changing it without it even notcing. That must be the hardest thing in the world. Everything in this world is so ironic. Say we have a person with a strong, decisive mind. This person refuses to conform to society. But what he or she doesn't realize is that is indeed, one of the worst conformations itself. Is conformation a word. It doesn't matter. The point is nothing can really be achieved without fulfilling the opposite effect at the same time you know. How ironic.

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