why can't I breathe
2.14.04 @ 10:48 a.m.

Is it silly of me to think that you're thinking of me?

No, it's not. =)

This has got to be the most romantic day I have EVER seen. What are the chances that it snows on Valentine's day? And so I'm sitting here, loving that snow, listening to Why Can't I by Liz Phair. I don't think I've ever felt so lonely and so happy all at the same time. It's really quite an interesting feeling.

Yesterday I started having my own little fantasies again. That you might remember me today. That you might do something about it. But, I think, time has set us apart. It doesn't matter though. People that are meant to be together will always be together in the end. How sad, I'm taking quotes from One Tree Hill.

"In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities."

- J�nos Arany

Sometimes, I think I'm going crazy...

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