2004-07-13 @ 1:14 p.m.

Inflicting pain on myself by masking it as joy. Love, love, love. Spins around me like a dream. It is a dream. Listening, reading, watching things that make me pine. That make me weep. That's the kind of girl I am.

A sick, twisted girl.

I'd like to think of myself as someone nostalgic. Because that is such a beautiful word. And a beautiful feeling.

Me trying to be someone I'm not or someone I am.

It's all very confusing.

I pity myself. I'm the fool that pities herself.

I'm desperate.

So, so desperate.

Desperate for someone to recognize me. I'm a selfish bastard. Desperate for things to end. I know. Above all, desparate for love.

If I were you I might even be laughing along. But I'm not. I'm here feeling all of those things and at the same time, feeling sorry for myself.

Because that's the kind of person I really am.

A lonely, selfish bastard craving for romance.

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