first days of junior year...
2009-09-23 @ 12:24 p.m.

At 8:10 my boss calls me to let me know I don't have to go into work today because they didn't set up my account yet. I'm already on the bus, and I'm going through a bunch of random suburbs to get to Deerfield. I get off at the next stop and realize I cannot get back home. The lady on the phone tells me to walk 9 blocks to the next bus stop.

I just call a cab and pathetically wait in the entrance area of Charles Schwab (what the hell is that?) hiding in a corner where the employees inside can't see me while trying my best to avoid the cobwebs.

I've been sleeping at the foot of Betty's bed like a slave, and I'm pretty sure I bled onto her sleeping bag last night. Whoops.

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