it's always been you Lisa, it's always been you
3.12.04 @ 4:35 p.m.

Every opportunity seems to slip through my fingers all on account of you. Well not every opportunity seeing there's only been like two, and one is still hanging on? Dang bat, that was confusing. I just want to forget? I must watch Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. It was the movie made for us. You know, the other day I almost replaced you with him? And him with you? Isn't that something. I hope that shattered your heart too, my dear.

Must quit talking about you.
Must quiting putting you in bold.

You're not that important.

So here I am, a cynical young girl. Or old woman, either one works fine for me. My heart thumps too easily and too quickly. Maybe I have some sort of an unknown condition. I just want someone to give me that speech from The O.C.

It's always been you, Summer. It's always been you...

I practically died from heart-thumping.

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