2004-04-12 @ 7:45 p.m.

I like playing with the leftover cream from my mother's leftover birthday cake. I like to swirl it around with my fingers. I like to pat it with my fingers. In fact as I am typing this, I am occasionally taking a break to swoop up some cream. It's very fluffy. And kind of disgusting after awhile to say the truth. I am currently reading The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan and so far, my favorite quote is her dedication.

"You asked me once
what I would remember.

This, and much more."

I think it would have sounded better if she added a "so" before the "much," but that is only my personal opinion which does not matter.

There are three people living in the world right now that astound me besides my close relations. Charlie Kaufman. Tim Burton. Roger Ebert. The first is an absolutely brilliant screenwriter. The second, a visionary director. And the latter is the greatest movie critic that is alive.

That is all I have to say at the moment.

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